Important COVID-19 Information
On behalf of everyone at Reap Financial, our hearts go out to all those impacted by COVID-19-this includes not only those diagnosed with the virus, but also their friends and family, those whose jobs and schools have been impacted and so many more. Our focus is, as always, on the health and safety of our employees, clients, and communities.
While this pandemic is uncharted territory for all, we have been preparing for emergency situations and we stand ready to continue to provide our clients with the best service possible.
We are activating our Business Continuity Plan by taking the following steps:
- Per CDC recommendation, we will have no more than 10 people in-office at a time.
- The majority of our staff will begin working remotely from home effective Friday, March 20th.
- We are offering meeting alternatives:
- Zoom virtual meeting via computer
- Phone
- An in-person visit for those interested
- Increased cleaning and sanitizing for all locations, include:
- Wiping down all door handles (internal and external), lobby furniture and communal surfaces every 15 minutes with disinfectant spray and wipes.
- Ensuring our lobby is only occupied by one client or couple at a time.
- Disinfecting all conference rooms, chairs, and pens between every use.
- Temporarily refraining from serving beverages.
- Providing our employees with information on steps they can take to prevent the spread of illness and how to recognize COVID-19 symptoms.
- Temporary restrictions on business-related travel and monitoring of the personal travel plans for our associates.
To help us better serve you, please use electronic means of communication and submission when possible.
- Email for scheduling requests.
- Email for all service requests.
- If you call, please leave a message with our call center and a team member will return your call as soon as possible.
- Applications and forms of any type can be uploaded through our secure link: Click Here for Secure File Upload
Our team is working incredibly hard to serve you as quickly as possible, and we ask for your patience if there are delayed response times.
These precautionary measures have been taken to limit the potential spread of the virus, to support our employees in this challenging time, and to ensure we maintain our ability to serve you for the long term. While we continue to actively monitor the COVID-19 situation, our senior leadership team remains vigilant and is monitoring the situation in real time and responding rapidly as conditions evolve. We will continue to over-communicate during this time.
We thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for your continued trust in Reap Financial.